If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that now more than ever, community development and environmental awareness is crucial. The development application for Wanless Recycling Park was submitted to Ipswich City Council in December 2019. Since this time, the formal information request stage has commenced. What does this mean? Council and State Government was able to ask for further details regarding the proposed development, which Wanless responded to late last month.
Key points addressed were:
Overall reduction to the maximum landfill height by 9m within the Ironbank and Lane’s Pit voids.
Changes to the waste types to be received at the site to further promote resource recovery and recycling of the incoming waste streams.
Increase in the resource recovery rate from an overall rate of 35% to 45%.
Further investigations into a range of site access options which have confirmed Champions Way is considered the only viable site access arrangement.
Redesign of the access from Champions Way to maintain the existing flow of water during flood events external to the site.
Identification of strategies to be considered in relation to traffic management during events at the Motorsports Precinct.
Now it’s your turn: local residents and members of the Ipswich community can submit feedback on the proposal directly to Council for consideration in their decision-making process. Public notification will start on 13 May 2020 and run to June 3 (15 business days).
Unfortunately, we’re unable to host information sessions at this time due to Covid-19 however, you can still provide your feedback about the development application directly to Wanless by sending your comments via WRPenquiries@recyclingparks.