Sewage waste management

Regular sewage maintenance is crucial. Sewage and effluent produce disease-causing microorganisms and parasites, so keeping your sewage system in optimal condition helps you spot potential issues before they arise.

As wastewater passes through the septic tank and sewerage system, solid waste is separated and sinks to the bottom. At this point, healthy bacterial digestion occurs, reducing the quantity of solids and breaking them down into sludge. Lighter materials like grease and oil float to the surface and form a layer of crusty scum known as a scum blanket. This layer seals in air that optimises bacteria breakdown.

For more, see septic tank cleaning.

Liquid waste

Grease traps

We offer grease trap collections so your business can dispose of its kitchen fats, oils and other wastes that cannot otherwise be discharged down the drain.



We separate, collect, treat and dispose of water containing human or animal metabolic waste from commercial activities such as food and agriculture, and irrigation.



Our highly experienced team can safely collect, treat and correctly dispose or recycle your coolant.


Our vision goes deeper than recycling

A staggering 9 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans each year, and land-based waste is the greatest polluter. This ocean debris affects about 700 marine species, some of which are now endangered.

To help turn the tide on plastic pollution, Wanless eco(logical) is investing in US’s oceans.