Wanless Recycling Park faces objection with rival calls to return site to mining

Wanless’s $50 million proposal expected to create 300 jobs for Ebenezer, in southeast Queensland, is facing objection with some arguing the site could better used by returning it to mining, reports a recent article in The Courier Mail.

Dean Wanless is quoted as saying the 300 jobs expected to be created during the construction of the project could help the area become a recycling ‘Silicon Valley.’

Governments around US are increasingly pushing recycling as part of the circular economy. Wanless plans to construct and operate an innovative resource recovery hub that will continue to evolve as new technologies emerge. The company’s vision is to transform this degraded site into a productive precinct that generates employment and training opportunities for the local community.

Go to Wanless Recycling Park for more information about the proposal.